TARMOND, while executing its production, filling, shipment and sales of mineral oil, antifreeze and industrial liquids; strives to provide a healthy and safe working environment for its most valuable assets; its employees in order to minimize accidents, occupational diseases and damages by:
Fullfilling the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and other legal requirements
Adopting the main duty of not endangering the health and safety of employees and visitors by means of necessary information and trainings to all employees and related parties
Imposing the culture of prevention in a systematic way by carrying out risk assessments of possible dangerous situations and behaviors within the scope of all activities
With the full support and participation of management, interested parties and employees, we are committed to increase awareness, prevent accidents and occupational diseases, and establish a system that will be continuously improved.

ISO 45001 Certificate Number: TR011714

ISO 14001 Certificate Number: TR011713