TARMOND, in line with its vision, produces lubricants, antifreeze and auxiliary products for automotive and industrial use that are reliable and environmentally friendly. All its products are REACH compliant.
Its Quality Management System (QMS) shall document and fulfill the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 international standard. In doing so, our main objective is to satisfy our customers and employees constantly and to ensure their sustainability. The main element of success is to be a preferred and trusted company. With this awareness, we serve with an aim to offer high quality goods and services to the customer as soon as possible and in the most economical way. It is our duty to increase the loyalty of our employees and our customers by encouraging innovative and creative approaches and training to increase technical and behavioral competencies while maintaining occupational health and safety and environmental protection, as well as, energy efficiency.
With long-term partnerships, we secure the supply of high-quality base oils, additive packages and all other ingredients for production. In addition, research and development is performed in our own laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment. This is where we implement a regular regime of monitoring the quality of our products. The process begins as early as the selection of all raw materials. Only high-quality ingredients make it into our products. From the receival to shipment, all raw materials and final products are subject to strict inspections.
Quality is not expensive, It is priceless!

ISO 45001 Certificate Number: TR011714

ISO 14001 Certificate Number: TR011713